Callie Clinic provides educational and medical services to help you plan healthy and well-timed pregnancies. Whether it’s helping you plan your family size or time between children, we want to ensure a healthy family for you, your partner and your children.
Transportation may be available upon request.
Callie Clinic is supported by Title X (10) Family Planning Services funds. This is a federal grant used to help people achieve healthy birth outcomes. The goal is to help families create a healthier and happier lifestyle. This grant makes it possible for us to provide services at little or no cost to you. A sliding fee scale is used and fees are based on family size and income. We also accept private pay, insurance, Medicaid and Medicare.
If you are uninsured or have a low-income, you may qualify for Title X family planning services. These services are available regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual identity, disability, number of pregnancies, marital status or inability to pay. They are available to Texas and Oklahoma residents. Let us help you with your family planning and sexual health care needs.
Patient First Care. Whether you need testing, consultation, family planning, or primary care, we are here to help.